Thursday, June 30, 2011

Currency Trading Tips: 2 Reasons Why Currency Trading Can Help You to Achieve Financial Freedom

Over the last few years many so called “business gurus” have been sharing thousands of tactics to achieve financial freedom. An imperative thing to always remember is that several of these people you hear about are unique incidents and a lot of times what worked for them might not work for you.

In this section of my currency trading tips series I would like to discuss with you 2 reasons why I believe Forex can form a number of “unique” success stories and can allow you to achieve true financial freedom.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Online Trading Reviews: 4 Good Reasons Why You Should Really Have a Foreign Currency Exchange Trainer

Trading the fx market takes quite a lot of determination, effort, planning, and quite a few times even a bit of luck. In the years that I have as a full time trader I have met tremendously successful traders and after talking to them I found out that about 90% to 95% of them have had a coach that helped them to become lucrative.

In this section of my online trading reviews I would like to provide you with 4 reasons why you should have a Forex mentor who can direct you and help you accomplish your goals.

Monday, June 27, 2011

Foreign Currency Exchange Trading tips: Why Do 90% of All FX Traders Lose Money?

Foreign Currency Exchange Trading can be one of the most money-making investments any individual can make. There are a lot of rewards of trading Forex… it is a 24/7 market, most of the trading is automatic, you can use a significant amount of leverage to enhance your potential earnings, and much more.

Nevertheless, there are common mistakes that seem to be made by every single amateur foreign currency trader and sometimes even the professionals.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Forex Strategy Trading Hints: How to Utilize Forex News to Trade the Foreign Exchange Market

Fundamental analysis is the investigation of how the worldwide events and news alter the currency markets.

In this edition of my Forex strategy trading Helpful Hints I will be teaching you how I you can implement fundamental indicators to help you take better trading conclusions.

The use of fundamental analysis in the currency market is done by utilizing economic indicators. These fundamental indicators provide you with economical components of a country that can assist you to evaluate the robustness of a country’s currency.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Forex Strategy Trading Tips: The Forex Trading Every Trader Should Use.

As I was planning to trade the currency markets today I followed my regular pre-trading routine. I follow really the same routine each day and it allows me to become more prepared and proficient as a trader and as a businessman.

As part of my Forex strategy trading hints I would like to share with you a checklist that every Forex trader should use in order to be more profitable, more organized, and boost your return on investment.

Check your open trades and track their performance: This should be the first step you take once you get to your computer. Check all of your open positions and
track their performance.

In several occasions stop losses need to be moved to break even or you want to take profit early because of an incoming event (such as non- farm payroll).  One of my mentors once told me that “everything that matters should be measured”, this undoubtedly applies to spot trading.

Study the market before you place any brand new trades: I cannot stress enough that you need to analyze the market before you open any trades. When you are in a trade you are not the same. You are thinking about the trade all the time and you are more likely to make non-sense decisions.

What's more, you will be hitting your head if you see something in the market that creates a conflict with a trade you already took.

Read the news or read a news calendar: I am most of a technical Fx trader than a fundamental spot trader; nevertheless, I still try to stay up to date in what is going on all over the globe.

One of the resources that I employ to analyze the fundamentals of the foreign exchange market is the news calendar. A news calendar provides you with an overview of all the important events that are happening in the internacional economy. A number of them also tell you the expected influence that each specific news event will have on the currency market.

Check your risk, stop loss, and tale profit variables: little things can make a big difference in FX trading and minor mistakes can produce large losses. This is the reason why I always check my risk, take profit levels, and stop loss levels. That’s the only way for me to make sure that that everything is working properly and that I am going to meet my trading plans.

Never let a small mistake become a large loss: I made a decision to include this one as part of the Forex trading checklist because I have seen a number of traders lose money this way. We are all human and we will commit mistakes from time to time.

One of the most common mistakes traders commit is taking a trade by mistake. I have done it and all pro Forex traders have. This is not that big of a mistake unless you let run and become a larger loss. My advice to you is that if you ever take a trade mistakenly close it immediately, never let a small mistake turn into a big and unnecessary loss!

I Hope you enjoyed my Forex strategy trading secrets please check back frequently as we post several times every week.

Forex Strategy Trading Tips: The Forex Trading Every Trader Should Use

As I was planning to trade the Forex market today I performed my regular pre-trading routine. I follow precisely the same routine day after day and it allows me to become more organized and productive as a trader and as a businessman.

As part of my Forex strategy trading suggestions I would like to share with you a checklist that every spot trader should use in order to be more productive, more organized, and expand your return on investment.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Forex Currency Trading Software: How to Find the Best Trading System For You

The Forex industry is full of  tricks and so called Forex “gurus” who don’t even trade themselves! For that reason many traders are fooled and have a incredibly hard time finding the best Forex currency trading software.

 In this article I would like to share with you a list of advantageous tricks on how to find the best Forex currency trading software for you.

Always back test a new trading strategy:  Manual backtesting is far more effective than automated backtesting. the sole reason why I say this is because when you manually back test a strategy you learn the strategy more profoundly and you become one with the strategy.

What's more, you will also be able to spot mistakes and imperfections within the system that automated testing software cannot spot.

Do your homework before you put that credit card out! : This is an crucial step. Before you purchase any trading system you will need to make sure you do your homework and shop around for other trading systems.

Be very careful with the really low-cost trading system because as they say “You get what you pay for”, regularly the $97 trading robot will not do anything but lose you money.

When you make a decision to invest in a trading system be sure to get in touch with the seller as soon as you purchase it. This way they will notice that a new customers just joined. This will make their customer service make up and stand by in case you have any concerns.

Get to know the person behind the Forex currency trading software you intent to buy: Whenever I buy a product I always expect to know more about the company or the creator of the product. Simply because I want to know the level of expertise of the creator or creators.