Monday, May 23, 2011

Best Online Trading Tips: 4 Forex currency trading Mistakes That Could Cost You $30,000

A few months ago I had the chance to work with a Trader who was well funded but he was struggling to achieve the profits he wanted. He contacted me after looking at a few of my best online trading articles. After several meetings we were able to find an effective trading strategy and money management plan to fit his trading goals.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Currency Trading Tips: The Key Benefits of a Forex Managed Account

Trading the Foreign exchange market takes a great deal of dedication, patience, and sometimes even a little bit of luck. Unfortunately, most traders have a very hard time putting it all together and staying focus. For this reason many people decide to get a professional Forex trader to manage their money with a Forex managed account.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Foreign Currency Exchange Trading Tips: The true Power of Being a Consistent Forex Trader

Precisely what does it mean to be a consistent trader? It implies to stick to your trading plan, strategy, and trading system under any market conditions. The talent to be consistent and also have the confidence to follow your strategy and trading plan is essential to obtain positive results. In this section of my foreign currency exchange trading tips series I will be covering the main primary advantages of perseverance and being a consistent Fx trader.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Currency Trading Tips: 3 Easy Strategies to Be a Full-time Trader

In this article I want to discuss 3 currency trading tips that can help anyone who really wants to trade the foreign exchange market for a living. It is not always easy to make the transition from a part time or sporadic Trader to a full-time Fx trader.